Three ways discrimination occurs in the hiring process


Navigating the job market can be tough. But if you’re reading this blog post, you might feel like the deck was stacked against you in your efforts to obtain a job solely on account of your standing in a protected class of people. Under the law, you should enjoy equal employment opportunities, and any adverse actions taken against you based on your status in a protected class is illegal and actionable.

How Can You Tell if You've Been Discriminated Against?

During the hiring process, you’ll likely have very limited contact with your prospective employers. As a result, it can be hard to tell if and when you’ve been discriminated against. However, here are some signs that you might’ve been treated unfairly and should thus take additional actions:

  • You were asked uncomfortable questions during your interview, which include those pertaining to your children or desire to have children, your marital status, your religion, and your ethnicity, particularly if those questions were used against you in the hiring process.
  • The job posting itself is indicative of discrimination, such as when specific language is used to exclude certain workers or when the job is posted only on sites that seek applicants of a certain demographic.
  • An automated hiring system is used but is based on reviews of a nondiverse workforce, therefore, causing you to be erroneously disqualified from a position.

As you can see, there are a number of ways that you can be discriminated against in the hiring process. So, as you navigate your job search, you’ll want to stay on your toes and be cognizant of any behavior that may be indicative of discrimination so that you can call it out and protect your interests.

Are You Ready to Build Your Case?

If so, don’t hesitate to educate yourself on employment law and seek out the help that you need. By taking legal action, you might be able to recover compensation for the harm that you have experienced while also protecting your career.
