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Providing Support For Your Unemployment Appeal

Oregon’s state unemployment benefits provide a lifeline for workers who find themselves without income from a job. If your claim has been denied, you may be upset or panicked. Fortunately, the benefits program does have an appeals process.

The attorneys at Employment Law Professionals are committed to fighting for the rights of workers across the Pacific Northwest. We represent employees in a variety of legal matters. We can guide you through the appeals process and advocate for your rights.

How Do I Qualify For Unemployment In Oregon?

To qualify for unemployment benefits in Oregon, you must meet certain eligibility requirements, including:

  • You must have worked in Oregon for at least 12 months in the past 18 months before you filed your claim.
  • You must have lost your job through no fault of your own, such as layoffs or a reduction in hours. If you quit your job, you may still be eligible if you had a good cause for quitting, such as unsafe working conditions.
  • You must not have been discharged from your job for misconduct.
  • You must be able and willing to work and be actively seeking employment.
  • You must have earned enough wages during a set period known as a “base period” to establish a claim.

Requirements for unemployment benefits can change. The Oregon Employment Department has updated claim requirement information, as well as a page where you can file for benefits.

What To Do If You Are Denied Unemployment

If you are denied unemployment benefits in Oregon, you can appeal the decision. Our attorneys will assist you as you move through this process, which often follows these steps.

  • Request a hearing: Within 15 days of receiving a denial, you can request a hearing with an administrative law judge. You will receive a notice of hearing, which will include the date, time and location of the hearing.
  • Prepare your case: Before the hearing, you and your attorney gather any evidence or documentation that supports your claim, such as pay stubs, letters from your former employer, or witness statements, or sworn affidavits from people who can’t attend.
  • Attend the hearing: At the hearing, you will have the opportunity to present your case and respond to questions from the judge. You may also bring witnesses or other evidence to support your claim. Your attorney will advise you on what you must prove to win and how to focus your answers to obtain a favorable result.
  • Wait for the decision: The judge will make a decision based on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will be sent to you in writing.
  • Appeal the decision: If you are still dissatisfied with the decision, you may appeal to the Unemployment Insurance Board of Review within 30 days of receiving the decision. Any appeal beyond the Unemployment Insurance Board of Review is to the Oregon Court of Appeals.

No matter what stage of the appeals process you may find yourself, our attorneys may be able to help.

Plan Your Unemployment Appeal With The Employment Law Professionals

Don’t approach an unemployment appeal alone. To schedule a consultation, call our office in Sherwood at +1-971-213-8975 today. You can also fill out our contact form.