What you should know about morals clauses


A morals clause is a contractual provision that outlines the expected ethical conduct of employees during their tenure at a company.

It serves as a safeguard for employers, allowing them to take appropriate action in case an employee’s behavior is deemed detrimental to a company’s reputation or violates ethical standards. As employees navigate their professional journey, understanding why this kind of clause is consequential is important.

Key Components of a Morals Clause

Employers may include a morals clause in an employment contract to help protect their brand and reputation. Any conduct that may harm the company’s image or standing in the community could trigger the activation of this clause.

This clause is not only concerned with internal actions, but it also extends to an employee’s public behavior. Social media presence, public statements and off-duty conduct may also fall under scrutiny. Employers may take several courses of action when a morals clause is violated. The severity of the consequences often depends on the nature and impact of the ethical breach in question.

Navigating Gray Areas

Morals clauses can be inherently subjective, as ethical standards vary between individuals and cultures. This subjectivity can lead to challenges in enforcement. Thankfully, during contract negotiations, employees can seek clarification on a morals clause and potentially negotiate its terms to help ensure fairness and transparency.

Employees should thoroughly read and understand a morals clause in their employment contract before agreeing to it. Ignorance is not a defense; awareness is the first step to compliance. If aspects of a morals clause are unclear, employees should seek clarification from HR to help ensure a comprehensive understanding.
